On the lookout for allies.

When this party started it was easy to go to city hall and talk to all kinds of people who were coming and going at a location central to our political systems. Today in the face of a pandemic lockdown, it’s very difficult to reach at all let alone communicate with random people. Given this reality, the thing most needed is for people to reach out to start the conversations that will help create seeds of a collective political voice. Anyone who wants to begin the conversation is welcome to comment, tweet, or email (well@imnotsureyet.com) their thoughts. As the chairman of the party I’m also happy to jump on the phone or video chat with people. My objective is to find allies and start to create an organic core message, I’m as interested though in hearing from you if you find yourself in opposition to my intentions. I’m in self quarantine at the moment without a computer, so if anyone has the ability and desire to take on the role of content publishing pro-bono I’m all ears for that as well.


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